Page 8 - Black Velvet Rock Magazine Issue 109
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BV109 pg 04-09 Millie Manders.qxp_BV109 pg08  19/12/2023  13:00  Page 5

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              do the research and ask other people about   choanalysis and stuff like that, and it was also   course, of the environmental damage,is huge
              people, and to not put up with bullshit, to lay very   around the time that, on New Year, we had four   meat farming. It’s something that’s starting to be
              strict rules down about the fact that I won’t put   stabbings just in London, in one small area, and,   talked about a lot more by scientists in terms of
              up with anybody being mean or unkind or not   obviously, the NHS has been deteriorating for a   what we need to change in order to cut that
              treating each person within the group as they   decade or so now, but there were a lot of moves   CO2, in order to replenish the rainforests and
              are a close family member. And that’s how we   towards that privatisation around that same time   stuff. So, it felt right to have something like that
              work now. Everybody in the band knows that   when Theresa May was in office. And I just re-  right at the beginning, to be like, ‘this is what
              you treat someone like you’re married to them.   member sitting there, feeling violently angry and   we’re talking about’. And then, you’ve got the lit-
              You would never disrespect your wife, or your   completely helpless, like, just so benign, not   tle thing in the middle, talking about having plas-
              husband, or whatever. You’d never let them feel   being able to do anything that was going to pos-  tic in your lungs and stuff, that was actually me,
              like they were in pain, or falling behind, or un-  itively affect any of these awful changes that   I wrote that and then I recorded it with a silly
              supported. So, each person in the band gets   were going on. We were also seeing a lot of po-  posh voice like a newsreader voice into my
              treated the same way as you would that person   lice brutality at the time. The sort of Black Lives   voice notes, and that is actually the original
              that you love. And so, that’s a really hardcore   Matter movement started to come around,   voice note that was just mixed into the song.”
              rule for me. And, if that’s not happening, then   around that time. There were a lot of people of   Millie has been writing songs since the age
              they’re probably not right for the band.”   colour being really badly mistreated by police,   of 7, although it took her a while before she
                                                  and, of course, it’s still happening. Nothing that’s   started writing ‘important’ songs.
                   he music business is a hard business to   in that song has changed, so I still feel like it’s   “I don’t think I really got particularly political,
                 Tbe in. Millie says, “It’s hard on every-  benign, but my only way of expressing how   at least, not that I can think of, before writing for
              body. The UK music business is incredibly hard.   angry I was, was to research some of the statis-  the first album. For the first two EPs, I guess. I
              You go over to the EU, and you get food and ac-  tics that were going on around those subjects   would say ‘Obsession Transgression’ is kind of
              commodation, help with transport and all sorts   and put them into verses.”   political, because it’s talking about the beauty in-
              of things. Once you get to our stage you start to   Does Millie think we’ll ever have someone   dustry and beauty standards and trying to move
              get more of that, but, as a low level                                          away from feeling like you have to
              band, you get nothing.”       “George and I have both been touched; it’s just kind of par   live up to them. So that’s got a polit-
                 She has countless stories that  for the course as a woman in the music industry, you’re going to   ical edge to it, I guess.  That was
              she can think of where people have   have horrible, unwanted attention. And, when I brought that   probably around 2013/2014 that I re-
              been kind on the road, and tells us   to Stu at some point, he was just, ‘You tell me next time. They   ally started to do stuff like that. I
              about one of them.                                                             probably did write some pseudo-po-
                 “There’s a promoter we work   will be gone.’” - Millie Manders              litical stuff before that, but I don’t
              with in Manchester, and, every time                                            think I went, ‘I’m allowed to do this,
              that we work with him, he goes an extra mile to   running the country that does actually care   I’m allowed to use my voice. I don’t just have to
              make sure that… George is actually allergic to   about people and those in need and making it a   write pretty love songs. I don’t have to be a pop
              all animal products, so she’s vegan by physical   better place?        artist. I don’t have to sit inside a box in order for
              default, as well, and he will check every ingredi-  “I think the system is rigged,” she replies. “I   people to listen to my music. I have to write
              ent for everything that he’s buying us to eat at   don’t know what the solution is. I don’t know   things that I believe in.’ I guess I started writing
              the venue, and every ingredient in anything that   what kind of system we should have in place or   things that I believed in probably as early as
              he’s getting us, drinks-wise. He’s always there,   how leaders should be chosen in order to make   2010/2011/2012, when I first went solo and
              like, ‘Are you guys OK?’ If anything happens in   this better. I definitely think the system at this   stopped being ‘an acoustic pop artist’, which I
              the crowd you need to let me know.’ George and   point is very rigged. I don’t think that the Labour   never wanted to be anyway.”
              I have both been touched; it’s just kind of par for   leader at the moment is anything more than a
              the course as a woman in the music industry,   soft Tory. I think the Green Party has some good   oving up to more recent times, Millie
              you’re going to have horrible, unwanted atten-  policies, but we’ve never seen them in power,   MManders and  The Shutup released
              tion. And, when I brought that to Stu at some   so I think there are a lot of trust issues there as   ‘Rebound’ earlier in the year. It’s described as
              point, he was just, ‘You tell me next time. They   to whether or not they’d be able to manage their   ‘the anti-Valentine’s Day anthem we all needed’.
              will be gone.’ He even gets called Uncle Stu by   way out of a paper bag in terms of actually lead-  Millie sings, ‘I said you’re cute but you’re getting
              everybody. It’s just a thing, because he’s just so   ing the country. And Lib Dem are just so on the   way too warm, sending pics but I just wanna
              lovely and attentive to everybody’s needs.    fence and a bit wet lettuce in my opinion, that I   talk’, and then, ‘Is that your real name?’ Does
                 She has discovered other females in the   don’t think they’d make any difference either. So,   Millie think there are too many guys or people
              music industry that have helped make it a great   I feel like it’s got to the point where it’s a bit like   who go on dating sites using fake names just to
              community too. “We all hype each other up on-  America, the lesser of two evils will be voted in,   find a girl to just use in some way?
              line. We talk to each other. We respond to each   and that’s if we’re lucky. If we’re not lucky, we’ll   “I don’t think they’re all necessarily using
              other’s posts. There’s a lot of kindness there as   be back to more Tories, more racist, homopho-  fake names. I think there’s definitely a contin-
              well, and I’m seeing more of that spread out-  bic, transphobic people like Suella Braverman   gency of people who put weird pseudonyms on-
              wards in terms of some of the festivals we work   and Rishi Sunak running the country still. So, I   line because, that’s instantly a red flag, isn’t it, if
              with. Rebellion, for example, now has safe   wish I had a more positive outlook on it, I don’t   you can’t even be honest about your real name?
              spaces, for anybody feeling overwhelmed by   see how to get out of the hole that we’re in in   There’s something you’re hiding immediately. I
              crowds, or uncomfortable in a room, or for any   order to see a way forward where people are at   did dating apps for a while and, for me, it was
              reason whatsoever, you can go up to one of the   the forefront, as in general people, people who   just like the seventh level of hell. I went on sev-
              stewards and be like, ‘Can you take me to the   are poor, people who are needing access to ed-  eral coffee dates and things and the person was
              safe space?’ and you’re given a safe space. So   ucation and healthcare, are at the forefront of   never the same as the person in the picture.
              yeah, there’s lots of examples of kindness in the   our leader’s thinking.”   There was always something odd or off - or they
              music industry. Of course, there are also lots of                      would be on a rebound. They would quickly do
              examples of the other way, but there are defi-  nother song we need to mention is   the affirmation thing, want you to commit to
              nitely lots of positive moves forward right now.”   A‘Panic’, which is an environmentally-  them, and then, a few weeks later, be like,
                                                  conscious song, which mentions ‘the oceans   ‘Yeah, nah, I’m not interested’. And it’s like, ‘Hm,
                    ne song on ‘Telling  Truths, Breaking   crying out’ and ‘trawl the bottom ‘til marine life is   somebody’s just got out of a long-term relation-
                 OTies’ that a lot of people, particularly in   all gone’. The intro is interesting, with a clip of a   ship, haven’t they?’ and they’ll admit it later. I felt
              the UK, can relate to, is ‘Poor Man’s Show’,   butcher trying to sell lamb chops and chicken.   I wanted to do something a bit funny with it, poke
              which mentions how our country is run by   The video also includes some meat production   fun at it, rather than be all sad about it. I’d rather
              wealthy cavemen. Millie sings about the home-  images.                 take the piss, basically.”
              less and the cost of living crisis and the cuts to   Millie tells us that their previous drummer,
              healthcare. Such an important song. This is a   Alex, captured the intro. “He now works in sound   he band’s latest single is ‘Shut  Your
              prime example of how we need people to speak   and film. He was studying a degree in sound   TMouth’, which is about fair-weather
              up and shine a light on matters such as this.    and film at the time and he captured that at a   friends, who only reach out when they want
                 Millie remembers back to writing the song.   market, and, when this song was in develop-  something.
              “It was around the time that Theresa May was   ment, it felt right that, because we were talking    Millie says it was about “somebody you’ve
              talking of replacing police on the force with   about environmental issues in this song, to have   known for ten years or whatever and the only
              iPads and having more special officers on the   something that was the opposite of that. The   time they get hold of you is because they literally
              streets, rather than trained policemen, with psy-  thing that was causing it. The biggest cause, of   want your guestlist. The lyrics, ‘I haven’t really
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